Thursday, 18 September 2008

Keeping a breast of Italian TV

An Italian TV channel has broadcast this piece intercutting an interview with me with shots of Vienna and excerpts of a Schiele film from the 1980s. It involves some breasts. Not mine.

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Monday, 15 September 2008

Get up at 3:AM

The acclaimed webzine 3:AM has published this interview with me where I side-step the question about my next book by making a joke about sex in a chip-shop.

Lame and cowardly, I know.


Mamma Mia – 2

Lorenza del Tosto has written an atmospheric piece here recounting a dense but delightful day in Rome with the pornographer and Egon.

And this from Leonardo Merlini, a fascinating journalist from APcom whose mind bubbles with all sorts of marvellous literary and philosphical connections. lewis_crofts.rtf

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Thursday, 4 September 2008

Mamma Mia

I'm in Italy at the moment for the publication of Il pornografo di Vienna. As two millenia of civilisation and culture have shown, the Italians have a nose for art and sensuality. And I'm grateful.

Naples' major paper – Il Mattino – has published this piece on the book (see here), following a chat with the charming Santa di Salvo.

Also, La Reppublica has found space for Egon alongside Hemmingway and Shakespeare – which is kind of them. Read it for yourself in the language of love here.

Meanwhile, Tonino Bucci published this interview in Liberazione – replete with some novel questions on Schiele. Thanks to him as well for the valiant job of transcribing my blathering. See Liberazione%20review.pdf

Daniela Pizzagalli wrote this piece for Genoa's Il Secolo XIX (see here). A biographer in her own right, you can see Daniela's work here. Or read an interview with her here.

Not to forget Milan's Il Giornale which summed things up with delightful north Italian diligence here.

And if you're interested in Italian travel writing tips, then you'd do well to have a look at Messana 28 - look here.

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